
    Player Rankings • Player Profile
    Kalyn Allen • Class of 2028 • Long Snappers
    FBS Power 5 Freshman Year Starter, Scholarship Pick
    FBS Freshman Year Starter, Scholarship Pick
    FCS Freshman Year Starter, Scholarship Pick or FBS PWO
    D2, D3, NAIA Prospect or FCS PWO
    D2, D3 or NAIA Developing Prospect
    High School Starter
    Developing High School Player
    Kalyn Allen
    Name: Kalyn Allen
    Player Ranking:
    Grad Year: 2028
    State: NC
    Country: United States
    Offers & Commitment:(NEW) UNDECIDED
    Pro Team:
    Height: 5'4
    Weight: 180
    GPA: 4.0
    Student Since: 2022
    Last Evaluation: June, 2024
    Highlight Videos

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    Player Review
    Kalyn Allen showed me a lot of good things at the Rubio Long Snapping Rising Stars Super Showcase in Georgia on June 22-23, 2024. Her form is simply gorgeous as she able to use her whole body like a champ. Her spiral can be extremely tight back to the punter where it will stick to the punter’s hands. Kalyn is very good for her age and the more she can trust her form to just let the ball rip out of her hands, the more overall power she will get on her ball. Hard working Long Snapper that might be able to play two positions in college. ------------- Kayln had a fantastic weekend at VEGAS XLIV on May 4-5. Kayln is as smooth as it comes. Her form is absolutely phenomenal. She does a great job with her starting form all the way to her follow through. She snaps a very catchable ball every time. Really accurate long snapper with exceptional form. Hard working football player. Spiral is smooth and tight. Has a ton of really nice pop on her ball and it jumps out the gate very quickly. As she develops more athletically she is going to notice a drop in speed times and a jump in the rankings. Love her confidence and attitude. When she is out on the field she is all business and very blue collar and I love it. Very hard working long snapper that is going to turn a lot of heads this summer at the Rubio Long Snapping Summer Camp in Idaho.
    RSI (Rubio Standard Index) is a scoring process developed by Rubio Long Snapping that weighs the average speed of the snap along with points for accuracy on the Rubio Target. Bonus points are awarded for a superior range of snap times.

    VEGAS XLIV (May, 2024) RSI: 18.09
    VEGAS XLIV (May, 2024) Speed: 0.94
    VEGAS XLIV (May, 2024) 40: 6.56
    VEGAS XLIV (May, 2024) 5-10-5: 6.12
    VEGAS XLIV (May, 2024) 3 Cone: 8.85

    2024 NC Spring: 39.34
    2023 NC Fall: 20.69
    2023 NC Spring: 29.73

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