
    Player Rankings • Player Profile
    Caleb Schlater • Class of 2024 • Long Snappers
    FBS Power 5 Freshman Year Starter, Scholarship Pick
    FBS Freshman Year Starter, Scholarship Pick
    FCS Freshman Year Starter, Scholarship Pick or FBS PWO
    D2, D3, NAIA Prospect or FCS PWO
    D2, D3 or NAIA Developing Prospect
    High School Starter
    Developing High School Player
    Caleb Schlater
    Name: Caleb Schlater
    Player Ranking:
    Class Rank: 29
    Grad Year: 2024
    State: OH
    Country: United States
    Offers & Commitment:(NEW) MIAMI (OH)
    Pro Team:
    Height: 6'2
    Weight: 180
    Student Since: 2021
    Last Evaluation: July, 2023
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    Player Review
    Caleb Schlater was solid at the TOP 12 Camp in July. Long and lean Long Snapper that has room to put on some very good size over the next couple of years. Ball is quick and I love when Caleb drives his eyes and chest through to the punter. Athletic Long Snapper with great upside. I love his demeanor and overall attitude. Caleb Schlater showed me some good things at the Rubio Long Snapping VEGAS XLI Event on January 14-15, 2023! He has a very long frame with room to put on some good weight over the next couple of years. Moves well on his feet and there is no doubt that he will be a factor on the punt coverage team. When he gets set, he simply doesn't miss. So that is an easy fix to get Caleb to dominate. When his spiral is tight, Caleb is snapping a college level ball right now. Leaning back will help Caleb with his accuracy, consistency and speed. Caleb is right on the cusp of greatness and you definitely want to watch this Long Snapper in the midwest this spring and at VEGAS XLII in May.
    RSI (Rubio Standard Index) is a scoring process developed by Rubio Long Snapping that weighs the average speed of the snap along with points for accuracy on the Rubio Target. Bonus points are awarded for a superior range of snap times.

    TOP 12 CAMP (JULY 2023) RSI: 22.89
    TOP 12 CAMP (JULY 2023) 40 TIME: 5.11
    TOP 12 CAMP (JULY 2023) 5-10-5: 4.45
    TOP 12 CAMP (JULY 2023 3 CONE: 8.09

    VEGAS XLI in January
    RSI:38.6340: 5.36
    Pro Agility Drill: 4.88
    Speed: .80
    VEGAS XXXIX RSI: 17.77VEGAS XXXIX 40 Time: 5.33VEGAS XXXIX Snap Speed: .88
    Additional Links
    TOP 12 Camp Invitee - 2023

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