
    Player Rankings • Player Profile
    Nathan Boylan • Class of 2024 • Long Snappers
    FBS Power 5 Freshman Year Starter, Scholarship Pick
    FBS Freshman Year Starter, Scholarship Pick
    FCS Freshman Year Starter, Scholarship Pick or FBS PWO
    D2, D3, NAIA Prospect or FCS PWO
    D2, D3 or NAIA Developing Prospect
    High School Starter
    Developing High School Player
    Nathan Boylan
    Name: Nathan Boylan
    Player Ranking:
    Class Rank: 36
    Grad Year: 2024
    State: IL
    Offers & Commitment:(NEW) NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE
    Pro Team:
    Height: 5'10
    Weight: 218
    GPA: 4.092
    Student Since: 2021
    Last Evaluation: July, 2023
    Additional Photos
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    Player Review
    Nate Boylan showed me a lot of good things at the TOP 12 Camp in July. Built thick and he is very strong. Quick hands and the ball jumps out of the gate really well. Zero wasted movement means he has the type of form that can allow Boylan to be snapping a ball for a long time. Solid upside on this very fluid Long Snapper Nate Boylan was very solid at the Rubio Long Snapping VEGAS XLII Event on May 6-7th. Thick and powerful Long Snapper with some of the quickest hands you will see in the country. Starting form is gorgeous and he is able to use his whole body throughout his snapping motion. His snaps are extremely catchable and smooth. For a thicker Long Snapper, you would not think he can move that well but he really is light on his feet. Looking at his numbers from the weekend below, you can see just how impressive he truly is with his Long Snapping. Great attitude on and off the field.
    RSI (Rubio Standard Index) is a scoring process developed by Rubio Long Snapping that weighs the average speed of the snap along with points for accuracy on the Rubio Target. Bonus points are awarded for a superior range of snap times.

    TOP 12 CAMP (JULY 2023) RSI: 22.17
    TOP 12 CAMP (JULY 2023) 40 TIME: 5.33
    TOP 12 CAMP (JULY 2023) 5-10-5: 4.74
    TOP 12 CAMP (JULY 2023) 3 CONE: 8.13

    VEGAS XLII (May, 2023) RSI: 25.47 VEGAS XLII (May, 2023) Speed: 0.71 VEGAS XLII (May, 2023) 40: 5.53 VEGAS XLII (May, 2023) 5-10-5: 4.93 VEGAS XLII (May, 2023) 3 Cone: 8.062023 IL Spring: 30.26
    2023 NC Spring: 21.69
    VEGAS XLI in January
    RSI: 29.3340: 5.30
    Pro Agility Drill: 5.30
    Speed: .75
    2022 Midwest Fall Camp RSI: 16.44
    2022 Midwest Spring Camp RSI: 18.42
    2021 IL Fall Camp RSI: 18.07
    2021 Midwest Spring Camp RSI: 3.95

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