RSI (Rubio Standard Index)is a scoring process developed by Rubio Long Snapping that weighs the average speed of the snap along with points for accuracy on the Rubio Target. Bonus points are awarded for a superior range of snap times.
2018 GA Fall Camp RSI: 17.81
VEGAS XXXII RSI: 29.70VEGASXXXII40 Time: 5.39VEGASXXXIIAverage 15 Yard Snap Speed: .67
2018 GA Spring Camp RSI: 43.55
TOP 12 Camp Invitee - 2018VEGAS XXXI RSI: 29.73VEGAS XXXI 40 Time: 5.29VEGAS XXXI Average 15 Yard Snap Speed: .765
2017 GA Fall Camp RSI: 33.78
2017 GA Summer Camp RSI:10.98
VEGAS 30 RSI: 11.25VEGAS 30 40 Time: 5.30VEGAS 30 Average 15 Yard Snap Speed: .762017 GA Spring Camp RSI: 7.322017 CA Spring Camp RSI: 15.58