Austin Turner
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Player Review
"OFFER NOW!!!!For the TOP 12 Camp Player Review, please go HERE
Turner was simply outstanding once again at the Rubio Long Snapping Fall Camp in North Carolina on October 4th, 2020. First off, “Rooster” looks like he has grown a full inch since the last time I saw him in July! He can pass an eyeball test from a mile away and he can easily snap in college right now. His ball is so tight that it will stick to the punter’s hands. Accurate Long Snapper that is always hovering in the mid to low .7s. The more he rips the ball out of the gate and explodes at the start of his snapping motion, the more his ball will dip into the .6s Flat out stud. Rooster can be doing this for a long, long tim
Player reviews for VEGAS XXXV will be done on YouTube. Please click on top video link above to see the full review.
Austin “Rooster” Turner was great at the Rubio Long Snapping Spring Camp in NC on March 7, 2020. His body is looking better each time I see him and he can easily pass for a college level athlete right now. His form is solid and he is using his lower half very well to get great times of in the .7s with ease. Turner is a consistent Long Snapper that will easily be in the finals at VEGAS XXXVI in May if he gets his eyes all the way through to the punter. Eyes through will increase his accuracy to get him fully ready for the next level. Extremely solid Long Snapper.
Turner (The Rooster) was beyond impressive yet again at the Rubio Long Snapping Fall Camp in NC on October 6th, 2019. He snaps one of the cleanest balls in the country. The spiral is extremely tight and the ball is extremely easy to catch. Form is good and his power is excellent. The more he drives his chest through, the faster his ball will be to the punter (and he can already snap at FBS speeds). Just watch him dominate at VEGAS XXXV in January.
Austin looked great during the 2019 Rubio Long Snapping Summer Tour. He is growing by the hour and can easily pass for a college Long Snapper right now. Ball is tight, he is getting through well and he is ripping the ball back to the punter. Really impressive Long Snapper and human being. Stepped up at the TOP 12 Camp and handled pressure really well. I am loving his hard working attitude right now and he is going to make his college coach very happy in a couple of years. Austin had a very strong showing at the Rubio Long Snapping Regional camp in GA on April 28, 2019. His a very big and strong Long Snapper with a tremendously accurate ball that is extremely quick and carries a very tight spiral. Continued work with things like the agility drills and downfield coverage will help elevate him even higher in his class. Excited to see him perform at Vegas XXXIV and beyond!Turner looked big and strong at the Rubio Long Snapping NC Spring Camp on March 10th, 2019. First off, “Rooster” looked great physically in NC. Just saw him a couple months ago and he looks like a completely different person. He continues to grow like it’s going out of style and now he has really done a great job of tightening up his whole body. Looked like a college tight end out there. Form is great, ball is SUPER tight coming back to the punter. Making sure he is always going straight back to the punter, and not up at all, will make his glorious snaps hover in the high .6s Rooster is a major talent that needs to be kept a very close eye on at VEGAS XXXIV in May and beyond.
Turner showed me some great things at the Rubio Long Snapping VEGAS XXXIII Event on January 19-20, 2019. He has a tremendous frame and can pass for a college Long Snapper right now let alone in two years. Snaps are powerful and he has good form. Locking down his release point and mkaing sure he is in control while going through agility drills will be huge for Turner as we advance through high school and beyond. "